Lush Landscapes, Beautifully Grown
Transform your outdoor space with vibrant plant material and lush, green lawns. Let our experts help you with beautiful plant combinations, or prepare your lawn area with specially formulated hydroseed for your turf areas. We’d love to help you create a landscape that meets your goals!
The Benefits of
Landscape Planting
- Curb appeal: Landscape plants and irrigated lawns increase visual appeal, and create a more soothing environment for people and pets.
- Energy Savings / Temperature regulation: Landscape plants provide shade and reduce heat reflection from hard surfaces.
- Wildlife habitat: A well landscaped area can provide a natural habitat for insects and small animals.
- Weed control: Well-maintained landscape beds with stone or mulch, along with irrigated lawns will naturally suppress weed growth.
- Increased market value: A professionally designed landscape can significantly contribute to increasing a property’s selling price.
The Benefits of
an Irrigated Lawn
- Irrigated lawns don’t just look good, they actually serve a purpose:
- Create Usable Space: A well-maintained irrigated lawn can create a pleasant and usable space for outdoor recreation and entertainment.
- Noise reduction: Irrigated lawn acts as a sound absorbent, reducing noise levels from traffic and other sources.
- Erosion control: Dense grass roots hold soil in place, preventing erosion.
Compare the benefits of Hydroseed over Sod: — What type of Lawn is best?
- Cost-effective: Hydroseeding is significantly less expensive than sod, especially for large areas due to the application process.
- Customizable seed blends: You can select a grass variety best suited to your climate and desired lawn characteristics with hydroseeding.
- Better disease resistance: By using a mix of grass types, hydroseeding is less prone to disease outbreaks compared to a single grass variety in sod.
- Even coverage: Hydroseeding machines can evenly distribute the seed mixture across a large area, including slopes and uneven terrain.
- Soil erosion control: The mulch component in the hydroseed mix helps retain moisture and protect soil from erosion, particularly on slopes.